Forging Pathways Between Lives in Peril and Critical Aid

The R.T. Weatherman Foundation is a nonprofit organization that stands in the center of turmoil. They are the last mile convener uncovering the gaps and bringing together the skills and resources for precision delivery of life-saving aid and the safe passage of children and families.


Meaghan Mobbs / The R.T. Weatherman Foundation


Web Design & Development



Weatherman Foundation's Rebrand and Website Relaunch

Our exceptional teams, including our talented Ukrainian colleagues, played a pivotal role in this project. They brought authenticity and deep insights to the website, seamlessly connecting the Foundation's mission with a global audience. From design and development to quality assurance, our teams meticulously optimized every aspect for maximum impact.

The Challenge

Brand Refresh


The Result

Based on our diagnostic, we created a sitemap that organized and prioritized all content around key behaviors. With a clear map of where each section belonged and guided by the brand guidelines, the team's main focus was to create a hero section that would catch visitors' attention. We wanted to clearly differentiate the organization from other foundations by enhancing the visual identity and building an emotional connection with the target audience.

This project goes beyond aesthetics; it's about creating a digital platform that embodies their unwavering dedication to making a difference in challenging times.

Visit the site here

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